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CONTROL SOLUTIONS Wasp, Yellow Jacket and Hornet Killers for Horses - GregRobert

GregRobert Pet Supplies is proud to carry popular brands of Wasp, Yellow Jacket and Hornet Killers including Hornet, Wasp, Yellow Jacket, Spectracide, Safer, Why, Prestrike, Shoo-Fly, Mosquito Beater and others.

Our Wasp & Hornet Killer killers will kill wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets instantly in most cases. Many of them also kill wasps with residual action, so you're killing wasps that may return to the nest. To kill the entire nest population, spray the nest until it is thoroughly saturated.

Our Wasp & Hornet Killer killers will kill wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets instantly in most cases. Many of them also kill wasps with residual action, so you're killing wasps that may return to the nest. To kill the entire nest population, spray the nest until it is thoroughly saturated.

Wasps are closely related not only to bees, hornets, yellow jackets—and ants!

Like ants, wasps are a very highly evolved order of insects (many scientists consider them the most highly evolved) and live in colonies composed of:

queens, who bear offspring
drones, or males who exist for the purpose of mating
and workers, or sterile females who do the colony's dirty work (obtaining food, nest building, defending the nest, raising the young, etc.)
In addition, wasps share several physical characteristics with ants, including long antennae, long legs, two pairs of wings and a narrow "hourglass" waist.

Not all wasps sting. Parasitic wasps feed on other insects and plants. Wasps of this type are not only harmless to humans, but actually beneficial. They help control the population of pest insects such as cockroaches through their feeding, plus play a vital role in the pollination of flowers and farm crops. Parasitic wasps account for the majority of wasp species, and can usually be found in close proximity to flowers or near their nest.

Non-parasitic (or hunting) wasps, which are predatory in nature, feed mainly on nectar and fruit juices as adults. However, they must hunt down other insects in order to provide food for their young, which is why nature has armed them with stingers and venom. Territorial and aggressive, these winged predators are well-equipped to kill both insect prey and ward off intruders -- human and otherwise -- who venture too near their nests or disturb their feeding.

Hornets nests are entirely exterior; trees, shrubs, under decks, and high in the eaves. They construct a “football” or upside down teardrop-shaped nest from gray paper. Hornets, as do wasps and yellow jackets, actually make this paper themselves by chewing on tiny slivers of wood. The young are hatched and food is stored in the nest’s center or “core” of hexagonal (or six-sided) cells.
GregRobert Pet Supplies offers low prices on many brands of Wasp, Yellow Jacket and Hornet Killers including:, Bonide, Control Solutions, Eight, Prozap, Rescue, Safer Brand, Shoo-fly, Toland Home And Garden, Victor Trap, and other selections.

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