Pennwoods Blue Label is the standard of the Pennwoods Equine nutritional line. It is rated one of the top three equine nutritional supplements in the USA (Horse Journal). Feeding Pennwoods Blue Label will:
- Nutritionally balance hay & grain ration
- Improve the horse's coat quality
- Optimize feed efficiency
We encourage you to incorporate Pennwoods Blue Label into your present feeding program. Your horse will love you for it.
Contents Amino Acids Vitamins
Calcium (Max.) 12 %
Methionine 1,700 mg/kg
Vitamin A (Min.) 663,500 IU/kg
Calcium (Min.) 10 %
Cystine 1,590 mg/kg
Vitamin D (Min.) 203,400 IU/kg
Phosphorus (Min.) 6 %
Lysine 6,965 mg/kg
Vitamin E 1,320 IU/kg
Magnesium (Min.) 6 %
Tryptophen 1,360 mg/kg
Thiamine (Min.) 7 mg/kg
Selenium (Min.) 17.6 mg/kg
Threonine 4,390 mg/kg
Riboflavin (Min.) 9 mg/kg
Sulfur (Min.) 1,581 mg/kg
Isoleucine 5,580 mg/kg
Niacin (Min.) 138 mg/kg
Manganese (Min.) 2,987 mg/kg
Histidine 2,816 mg/kg
Pantothenic Acid (Min.) 14 mg/kg
Copper (Min.) 925 mg/kg
Valine 6,185 mg/kg
Choline (Min.) 755 mg/kg
Zinc (Min.) 3,702 mg/kg
Leucine 8,860 mg/kg
Biotin (Min.) 136 mcg/kg
Iron (Min.) 2,906 mg/kg
Arginine 8,270 mg/kg
Cobalt (Min.) 73 mg/kg
Phenylalanine 5,800 mg/kg
Iodine (Min.) 119 mg/kg
Glycine 5,380 mg/kg
Feeding Instructions Horses 500 pounds or less: 2 ounces per head per day. Horses greater than 500 pounds: 4
ounces per head per day. Measuring scoop holds approximately 2 ounces.
We will process your order the day we receive it.
This product usually leaves our warehouse the Next Business Day.
You will normally get your order in 3 - 7 business days (depending on how far you are from the warehouse).
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