Most horse owners have to stall their horses at least some of the time. That means urine, stinky stalls, ammonia, and other odors that are a hazard to your horses health.
Sweet PDZ is the leading stall freshener on the market and is the odor control and deodorizer of choice for thousands of horse, pet and livestock owners. Sweet PDZ is an all-natural, non-hazardous and non-toxic mineral. It captures, neutralizes and eliminates harmful levels of ammonia and odors. Sweet PDZ is a far superior alternative to lime products for ammonia removal and moisture absorption. Don’t risk compromizing your horse’s performance.
Ammonia is a health risk to your animals. The accumulation of ammonia in horse stalls and barns is more than an odor nuisance. Studies have concluded that low levels of ammonia stresses a horse’s upper respiratory airways placing them at risk of pneumonia, heaves, and other serious illnesses. Foals are especially vulnerable to these ailments. Sweet PDZ absorbs and neutralizes ammonia and odors while providing fresh and safe air for your horse in it’s stall.
OTHER USES - Dogs & Cats
Sweet PDZ is highly effective in eliminating odors in Cat Boxes & Dog Runs too...
Sweet PDZ was never just meant to be for horses even though it’s packaged and marketed as a “horse stall refresher”. After all, isn’t ammonia really just ….well…. “ammonia”; whether it is being produced by a dog, cat, horse or elephant.
Sweet PDZ is very effective in neutralizing and eliminating dog and cat urine and feces odors. It also works well to neutralize and eliminate what some folks refer to as, “doggie” odors. It also works very well when sprinkled on pet “mistakes”. Old dried up spots, or recent and moist areas can be treated for odor simply by sprinkling Sweet PDZ over the soiled area. Sweet PDZ granules will work safely on all types of carpets and flooring, furnishings and fabrics.
Sprinkle Sweet PDZ in the area where odors are noticeable and let it sit until the odors have been eliminated. Depending on the concentration and amount of ammonia and odors that are present, it may take Sweet PDZ minutes or several hours to perform effectively. Just allow a reasonable time for Sweet PDZ to work, and then vacuum or sweep it up.
Sweet PDZ is a fantastic litter additive...
Use Sweet PDZ in combination with cat box litter for complete aroma protection. Unlike most litters that contain a masking scent or perfume, Sweet PDZ captures and eliminates ammonia and odors by neutralizing them through its unique mineral chemistry. For great litter box odor control, simply sprinkle 1/3 cup to a full cup of Sweet PDZ over the top of the litter. If you use a traditional clay (non-clumping) litter, you may also choose to sprinkle a covering of Sweet PDZ on the bottom of the litter box as this is where a lot of urine accumulates and odors develop. Additionally, because Sweet PDZ is unscented, it will not detour the cats from using their litter box.
Rabbits, Small Animals, Reptiles & Birds
Even little critters can create big smells...
It is easy to control odor in small animal habitats and pet cages using Sweet PDZ. Simply sprinkle a light, visible covering on the bottom of the habitat, cage or catch and watch and smell how fast Sweet PDZ absorbs the urine and captures the ammonia and odors. A little Sweet PDZ goes a long way in these small habitats, and it makes your home environment and your cute little critters living area much more healthy and enjoyable by not having to smell that noxious ammonia odor. Clean out your habitat regularly, and reapply a little Sweet PDZ every few days, or as needed. Sweet PDZ is completely safe for use with these small pets.
Caged and Housed Birds
Now your aviary can smell as sweet as your birds' sing. Sweet PDZ will work in cages or under roosting areas. Sweet PDZ is gentle and won’t bother eggs or young birds. Just sprinkle a light, visible covering of Sweet PDZ in the cage. Treat cage every couple of days or as needed. All natural Sweet PDZ safely eliminates urine and other odors from their source.
Chickens have a lot of benefits, but they are by no means the neatest of barnyard animals. In fact their coops, hen houses and pens can get really stinky. Sweet PDZ is the answer to your smelly, dropping filled coops. Sprinkle Sweet PDZ liberally where the birds make their mess. Reapply regularly on the most frequently used roosting areas, and you’ll be well on your way to a healthy, safe and pleasant smelling chicken house. Sweet PDZ also makes it much easier to remove the droppings when cleaning out the chicken’s house. As an added benefit Granular Sweet PDZ can be safely eaten by the birds and used by them to grind their food. Clean smelling chickens = healthy chickens.
Snakes, Turtles and Other Reptiles
A light sprinkling of Sweet PDZ every couple of days, or as needed, will neutralize and eliminate the ammonia and odors. In some reptile habitats it is recommended that a small pile of Sweet PDZ be placed in the corner(s) rather then covering the entire bottom of the cage with Sweet PDZ. This is not due to Sweet PDZ being harmful to reptiles, however Sweet PDZ is a desiccant and its drying action may be uncomfortable to some reptiles’ skin.
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