One pint concentrate covers approximately 5000 sq. ft.
For optimum results: (1) avoid applying during excessively dry orhot periods unless irrigation is used. (2) avoid applying if rainfallis expected within 24 hours, nor should lawns be irrigated(watered) for 24 hours following application. If lawn needs water-ing,water thoroughly before application; (3) turf should not bemowed 1 to 2 days before and following application; (4) Reseed nosooner than 3 to 4 weeks after application of this product. Addingoil, wetting agent, or other surfactant to the spray may be used toincrease effectiveness on weeds but doing so may reduce selec-tivityto turf resulting in turf damage. Clean and rinse spray equip-mentusing soap or detergent and water, and rinse thoroughlybefore reuse for other sprays.
Alfalfa, Amaranth, Aster, Beadstraw, Beggartick, Beggarweed, Bindweed,Bitter sneezeweed, Black medic, Bladder campton, Bracken fern,Broomweed, Buckhorn, Buckwheat, Buffalobur, Burclover,Burcucumber, Burdock, Bursage, Buttercup, Canada thistle, Carpetweed,Catnip, Catsear, Chamise, Chamomile, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil,Clover, Cocklebur, Coffeeweed, Cornflower, Cornspeedwell, Croton, Daisy, Dandelion, Dock, Dog fennel, Dragonhead mint, Evening prim-rose,Field pennycress, Fleabane, Florida pusley, Frenchweed, Galinsoga,Geranium, Goatsbeard, Goldenrod, Goosefoot, Gromwell, Ground ivy,Halfshrub sundrop, Hawkweed, Healall, Heartleaf drymary, Hemp sesba-nia,Hempnettle, Henbit, Horsenettle, Horseweed, Ironweed, Jerusalemartichoke, Jimsonweed, Knapweed, Knapwood, Knawel, Knotweed,Kochia, Ladysthumb, Lambsquarter, Lespedeza, Little starwort, Mallow,Marc’s Tail, Marshelder, Matchweed, Mayweed, Milkweed, Morningglory,Mustard, Nightflowering catchfly, Nightshade, Oxalis (Stricta and cornic-ulata),Parsley-piert, Pennywort, Peppergrass, Pepperweed, Pigweed,Plantain, Poison hemlock, Poison ivy, Poison oak, Pokeweed, Poorjoe,Prickly sida, Prickly lettuce, Puncturevine, Purslane, Ragweed, RedSorrel, Red Clover, Redevine, Sicklepod, Smartweed, Snakeweed,Sowthistle, Speedwell, Spiderwort, Spikeweed, Spiny, Spurge, Spurry,Spurweed, Starbur, Stinging nettle, Stitchwort, Stunkweed, Sumpweed,Sunflower, Tansy ragwort, Teasel, Teaweed, Texas blueweed, Thistle,Toadflax, Trumpetcreeper, Velvetleaf, Veronica, Vetch, Waterhemlock,Waterhemp, Whitebrush, Wild violet, Wild radish, Wild onion, Wild aster,Wild carrot, Wild lettuce, Wild garlic, Wild geranium, Wood sorrel,Wormwood, Yankeeweed, Yarrow, Yellow starthistle, Yellow rocket, and many other broadleaf weeds.
We will process your order the day we receive it.
This product usually leaves our warehouse the Next Business Day.
You will normally get your order in 3 - 7 business days (depending on how far you are from the warehouse).
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