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CARLSON PET PRODUCTS Dog Gates for Dogs - GregRobert

GregRobert Pet Supplies is proud to carry popular brands of Dog Gates including Accordian, Wood, Expandable, Tall, Wide, Walk, Metal, Pressure Mount, White, Black and others.

Pet gates or baby gates, made of metal, plastic, or wood, help you keep your dog out of trouble by restricting his access to specific rooms/areas or confining him to acceptable surroundings. Baby & Dog Gates are virtually the same. You can put a child safety gate or a pet safety gate at the bottom of a flight of stairs if you want your dog to stay out of upstairs bedrooms. Dog safety gates or an indoor dog gate can be a better alternative to simply closing a door to restrict or confine your dog. Styles include our walk through gates, extra wide pet gates, metal pet gate, tall dog gates and accordion safety gates. 
GregRobert Pet Supplies offers low prices on many brands of Dog Gates including:, Carlson Pet Products, Four Paws, Midwest Homes For Pets, Tarter Farm & Ranch, and other selections.


Steel, plastic or wood are the primary materials used for pet gates. Most pet gates are intended to use indoors only - but there are some gates that can be used out doors, also. 

Many sizes of baby or dog gates are available to fit the opening or the area you need the gate to protect. 

Installing pet gates is normally an easy task – pressure mounting or hardware / wall mounting are the most common methods of mounting pet gates. Pressure mounting gates allow you to easily remove your dog gate so that you can use it only when and where you need it. 

A hardware mounted gate is sturdy and cannot be tipped over very easily. Some gates have a walk thru feature that allows you to get to the other side easily with a latch.  Our most common gate brands are Midwest Pet Gates, Four Paws Pet Gates and Bindaboo Pet Gates.

Gate Mount Type Material Height Range of Width
Four Paws Walk Over Wooden Gate w/Door Pressure Mount Wood 18" 30 - 44"
Four Paws Extra Wide Wood Slate Hardware Wood 26.75" 53 - 96"
Four Paws Wood Expansion Wide Accordion Hardware Wood 32" 24 - 60"
Four Paws Safety Pressure Wood/Plastic Mesh 24" 26 - 42"
Four Paws Wire Mesh Pressure Wood/Wire Mesh 24" 26 - 42"
Four Paws Dark Wood Wire Mesh Pressure Wood/Wire Mesh 24" 26 - 42"
Four Paws Wire Mesh: Tall Pressure Wood/Wire Mesh 32" 29.5 - 50"
Four Paws Dark Wood Wire Mesh Pressure Wood/Wire Mesh 32" 29.5 - 50"
Four Paws Wire Mesh: Ex-Tall Pressure Wood/Wire Mesh 44" 29.5 - 50"
Four Paws Metal Walk Thru Gate 30" Pressure Metal 30" 30 - 34"
Four Paws Metal Walk Thru: 36" Pressure Metal 36" 35.75 - 39.75"
Four Paws Metal Walk Thru: 41" Pressure Metal 41" 30 - 34"
Four Paws Extra Wide Wooden Expandable Pressure Wood 18" 48 - 80"
Four Paws Standing Walk Over Wood None - Free Standing Wood 17" 30 - 108"
Midwest Extra Wide Wood Hardware Wood 24" 53 - 96"
Midwest Wood and Plastic Accordian Hardware Wood with plastic safety railing 32" 24 - 60"
Midwest Wood and Wire Mesh Pressure Pressure Wood/Wire Mesh 32 & 44" 29 - 50"
Bindaboo Metal Walk Through Pressure Metal 29 & 40" 28 -32", up to 53" with extensions
Bindaboo Hallway Security Wide Pressure Metal 29 & 40" 38 -42.5", up to 63.5" with extensions

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