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Feeding your Iguana Protein with Alfalfa

Animal Protein is not fed to Iguanas, yet they still need protein. Many plant proteins have problems in terms of the amount of protein available in the plant protein (too little or too much) Some plant proteins have harmful chemicals. Alfalfa is a great option to give enough protein to your Iguana.

Alfalfa is an excellent source of plant protein and is widely used in the equine community. Mature alfalfa is a great source of protein, fiber and calcium. Mature alfalfa is 15% protein by volume and has a 6:1 calcium-phosphorous ratio. The difference between mature alfalfa and alfalfa sprouts is that alfalfa sprouts have considerably less protein, calcium, and other nutrients; Alfalfa sprouts are not recommended as a primary food for herbivorous lizards.

Luckily for Iguana owners, alfalfa has become readily available in stores and online merchants. It has become popular as a nutritional supplement for humans, too! You can now find powdered alfalfa, alfalfa tablets and capsules, and alfalfa leaf tea in health food stores and online vendors.

Alfalfa pellets and mini-bales are still available, still sold as rabbit food or small mammal bedding at pet stores and farm/ranch supply stores. Generally speaking, however, alfalfa packaged for human consumption is likely to be a little cleaner than alfalfa packaged for animal food or bedding. There are also many options to purchase Alfalfa directly targetted to Iguana's.

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