Fly Zone Control Tactics & Tips
Obviously, keeping flies off your horse is your ultimate
goal. Fly control keeps him more
comfortable and helps protect him against disease. Zone 1
products include fly
sprays, spot-ons, lotions,
ointments, and fly
- Read all labels thoroughly before use and heed warnings;mix concentrates with the EXACT
amount of water recommended.
- Apply according to directions to the horse’s head, face, neck, body, legs and tail.
- Don’t mix different kinds of fly repellents together.
- Never apply repellents to sensitive mucus membranes (eyes, mouth, nostrils, vulva or penis).
- Dampen hairs to the skin (but NOT to the point of runoff) for maximum effectiveness.
- Do not treat above the eyes – if the horse sweats, the repellent can run into the eyes.
- Don’t apply repellents to areas under the saddle,
pad, girth, bridle and boots as they trap heat and may cause a reaction.
- Direct sunlight, heat and water vapor break down chemicals that repel flies, so don’t leave
your spray outside.
- Keep your horse
Fly control in the barn eliminates adult flies and prevents them from
breeding. Flies breed in manure and other moist, decaying organic matter, so it’s important to
keep the barn area as clean as possible. Zone 2 products
include feed-thru fly control
supplements, premise sprays and
sticky traps.
- Use odor-free sticky
traps to catch flies in your barn. Avoid using attractant traps inside your barn, as they
will draw more flies to the area.
- At night, flies congregate away from wind and draft, so
be sure to treat areas like rafters and ceilings.
- Treat fly resting places a week or two before flies
become active to delay fly season in your stable.
- When temperatures exceed 80° F, flies gather and feed on the floor so put traps on the ground and treat
floors with insecticides in warm weather.
- Keep your stable and pasture clean and dry. Remove
wet bedding promptly and replace with clean, dry bedding.
- Clean/disinfect stall
walls. Wash all stall-cleaning equipment (muck tubs, wheelbarrows, shovels). Scrub
water buckets & feed tubs; clean sweaty tack; wash
horse boots and blankets regularly, clean up hoof trimmings after shoeing.
- Keep feeds
covered. Don’t let waste feed accumulate on floor.
Keeping outdoor areas clean, free of manure and other trash,
eliminates fly breeding areas and helps keep populations down.
Zone 3 products include highly effective scatter
baits. Plus, bag and jug
traps, which attract and kill thousands of flies without insecticides.
- Use attractant (jug type) traps on perimeter of property to draw flies away from the barn, patio,
kennel or house.
- Sprinkle fly bait in areas of heavy fly populations,
away from children, livestock and pets.
- Dispose of all fly breeding material including
manure, used bedding, wasted feed and other organic matter.
- If waste disposal isn’t possible, treat manure and
other waste with an effective larvicide to break the
fly life cycle.
- Keep paddocks and corrals clean and dry.
- Scrub outside water troughs weekly.
- Remove anything that could collect standing water and serve as a mosquito breeding ground.

Copyright 1999-2025 GregRobert Enterprises, LLC.
Family Owned / Family Values