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The cornea is the outer clear layers of the eye providing a window through which light may pass. It is composed of many thin layers just like a stack of notebook paper. The healthy cornea is normally very resistant to infection. If an injury occurs which damages the cornea, it may allow bacteria to penetrate causing an infection in the deeper layers of the eye.

A CORNEAL ULCER is an erosion through one or more layers of the cornea, starting from the outside and going toward the inside of the eye. Rapid deterioration of the cornea may result leading to very serious disease and blindness. The scientific name for this condition is “Ulcerative Keratitis.” Corneal ulcers result in pain, eyelid spasms, sensitivity to bright light, and discharges from the eye. Blindness can result if not treated properly.

Sometimes the corneal wound CANNOT be seen with the naked eye. A special stain must be dropped in the eye to aid diagnosis. 

This is the Primary reason veterinarians do NOT like to dispense eye medications without first examining the eye--if the wrong type medication is used, an eye infection may get WORSE--possibly leading to blindness!

Small or shallow ulcers will heal with the use of antibiotic ointments. Another ointment containing a medication called atropine may also be used. Atropine dilates the pupil and relaxes painful muscle spasms in the eye caused by the ulcer. 

For severe infections or injuries which penetrate deep into several layers of the cornea, surgery may be necessary to save the eye. Surgery may also be needed to remove an imbedded foreign object such as a bit of plant material or sliver. Chronic ulcers that do not heal, especially common in boxer dogs, may require surgery as well



Ophthalmic drops for routine eye cleansing in dogs and cats. Contains no antibiotics or corticosteroids. 

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